From the 1 October 2016 edition onwards, Army personnel who have completed Phase 1 training (basic Service training) but not Phase 2 training (trade training), are considered trained personnel. SDSR 2015 outlined plans to uplift the size of the Regular Armed Forces, setting targets for a strength of 82,000 for the Army, and increasing the Royal Navy/Royal Marines and Royal Air Force by a total of 700 personnel. The Army Trade Trained strength (FTTTS) increased between 1 October 2019 and 1 July 2021 but has seen a decrease between 1 July 2021 and 1 January 2022. Figure 6 shows that the Maritime Reserve Trained Strength was 2,860 as at 1 January 2022. Applications will not result in intake if, for example, they are withdrawn by the applicant during the recruitment process, rejected by the Services, or if an offer to join the Services is declined by the applicant. An assessment of current and future threats to UK national security; The need for contingent / reactive capability the requirement to be able to respond immediately to domestic or international crisis; Current operational and international obligations (e.g. those who have completed Phase 1 training). The Army Reserve total outflow rate was 11.8 per cent; a decrease of 1.9 percentage points since the 12 months to 1 April 2020. U.S. military size for 2016 was 1,348,400.00, a 0.08% increase from 2015. The redundancy programme is now complete. This change enabled the Army to meet the SDSR 15 commitment to improve support to UK resilience. Voluntary Outflow (VO) encompasses all Trained (RN/RM & RAF) and Trade Trained (Army) personnel who voluntarily exit before the end of their agreed engagement or commission period. The redundancy programme is now complete. In Table 8c there has been a revision to the number of Army Regular Reserve Officers and Other Ranks of which Full Time Reserve Service from 1 April 2012 to 1 January 2013 due to an processing error. This is compared to a net gain of 3,110 in the 12 months ending 31 December 2020. The RAF Reserve total strength as at 1 January 2022 was 3,280. All corrected figures will be identified by the symbol r, and an explanation will be given of the reason for and size of the revision. The Army Reserve total Outflow rate was 15.3 per cent; an increase of 3.3 percentage points since the 12 months to 1 January 2021. As a result of the changes to Army Trained Strength (referred to above) and their impact on the Army Reserve, the MOD released a Written Ministerial Statement containing revised Future Reserves 2020 (FR20) strength growth profiles on 8 November 2016. The number of people you hired divided by the total number of applicants. In Table 11a, due to processing errors, a change of 1 has been made to the number of personnel at the OF-5 and OF-6 for the Royal Navy/Royal Marines and OR-7 and OR-9 rank in the Royal Air Force. Figures for the period between the introduction of DRS in November 2017 and 30 June 2018 are not available as they are not of the required validity for publication. This has affected tables 1 and 6a. A formal response, or responses, to the RF30 Review will follow the RF30 implementation programmes detailed analysis of the recommendations. See below for further information. The Full-Time Trained Strength (RN/RM & RAF) and Full-Time Trade Trained Strength (Army) gradually increased between 1 July 2020 and 1 July 2021 but has been decreasing since, as shown below in Figure 1. Floor 3 Zone M The strength of Trained Other Ranks has increased by 1.4 per cent and the strength of Trade Trained Other Ranks has increased by 1.5 per cent since 1 January 2021, as can be seen from Table 4 above. The constituents of Other personnel are reported towards the top of this page. The MOD held a public consultation on SDSR Resilience: Trained strength definition for the Army and resultant changes to Ministry of Defence Armed Forces personnel statistics, between 11 July and 21 January 2017. To succeed, Moscow will have to replenish personnel and equipment at scaletasks that will prove extremely difficult. Commonwealth Applicants are included in the number of applications. Time Expiry is a term used to describe those in the Armed Services who reach the end of their engagement or commission and then leave. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. This has increased by 20.5 per cent when compared against this periods equivalent a year ago (9,660). The total strength of the UK Forces has increased between 1 April 2020 and 1 April 2021 by 2.5 per cent (4,900 personnel), as shown in Table 1. Embracing diversity in the military could bring significant operational and strategic advantages. Outflow from the trained and untrained UK Regular Forces was 12,300 in the 12 months to 31 March 2021; down from 15,460 in the 12 months to 31 March 2020. The Untrained Strength reflects the number of personnel who can potentially join the Trained Strength. Reporting of the growth of the Reserves will be based on Trained Strength profiles only. Intake and outflow statistics report how many people have left or joined the Trained or Untrained Strengths. There has been a revision to the number of Army Volunteer Reserve personnel as at 1 October 2018 due to a processing error. The main factors affecting decisions about the size of the Armed Forces required by the MOD to achieve success in its military tasks include: The Service Personnel Statistics in previous versions of this publication are reported against the 2015 Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR), released in November 2015. In this report, the authors discuss the results of the first Total Force Recruiting Panel-Technology and Integration Survey, which was designed to provide baseline data about the state of Total Force Recruiting in the Department of the Air Force. The MOD has consulted on these changes and the resultant impact they will have on this publication and a consultation response was published on 7 October 2016. Applications may be refused if no Commonwealth headroom is available. SW1A 2HB, For general MOD enquiries, please call: 020 7218 9000. This is an increase of 33.8 per cent from the 12 months to 31 March 2020. Army recruits with a history of marijuana use can ask for a waiver like those who have diabetes or insomnia. to satisfy the requirements of job seeking). This does not affect the Naval Service or the RAF in any way. MOD statistics policies Contact us General statistical enquiries In writing: Directorate for Analysis - Publications Team Oak Level 0, West Abbey Wood Bristol BS34 8JH By email:. The age ranges of the services vary most on the enlisted side:. The Army have undertaken a review of training requirements and Royal Engineers Other Ranks personnel joining from 1 July 2019 will become Trade Trained after Initial Trade Training (ITT) and will join the Full-time Trade Trained Strength (FTTTS), and therefore we may see a change in the trend. The regular force increases from 478,000 soldiers in FY 2019 to 480,000 in FY 2020 instead of reaching the planned 492,000. Minor errors will also be corrected, but for efficient use of resource these corrections may be timed to coincide with the next release of this quarterly publication. Individual Harmony is the freedom to enjoy leisure at the normal place of duty or residence at place of duty; this includes leave and adventurous training. Figures from 12 months ending 30 June 2019 onwards define an application as an online application submitted by an individual and accepted by Defence Recruitment System (DRS). Number of personnel in UK armed forces 1900-2022. There has been no formal announcement of new targets beyond 31 March 2019. The MOD has consulted on these changes and the resultant impact they will have on this publication and a consultation response was published on 7 October 2016. This publication provides information on the number of Military Personnel (defined as the strength), joining (intake) and leaving (outflow) the UK Armed Forces. Figures for the period between the introduction of DRS in November 2017 and 30 June 2018 are not available as they are not of the required validity for publication. Floor 3 Zone M The authors examined existing modeling tools and developed a detailed plan for combining outputs from the tools to enable USAR to forecast 24-month end strength. They do not include promotion from Ranks to Officers or flows between Services. UK Service Personnel comprise the total strength of the military personnel employed by the Ministry of Defence (Excel tables, Table 1). Trained Outflow figures show Phase 2 Trained Outflow from UK Regular Forces, including personnel leaving the Services, deaths and recalled reservists on release. How can the UK and U.S. armed forces remove barriers to inclusion and attract more diverse workforces? Figure 7 shows that the Army Reserve Trained Strength was 26,170 as at 1 January 2022. Future Reserves 2020 includes Volunteer Reserves who are mobilised, High Readiness Reserves and those Volunteer Reserves serving on Full-time Reserve Service (FTRS) and Additional Duties Commitment (ADC). The UK Armed Forces could take a more-strategic approach to leveraging diversity to elevate it as a strategic enabler of military fighting power in the contemporary threat environment. This publication contains information on the strength, intake, outflow and gains to trained strength for the UK Armed Forces overall and each of the Services; Royal Navy/Royal Marines (RN/RM), Army and Royal Air Force (RAF). Other Personnel including the Serving Regular Reserve, Sponsored Reserve, Military Provost Guard Service, Locally Engaged Personnel and elements of the Full-time Reserve Service (. Recruitment numbers actually peaked during WWII. These applicants will then be withdrawn from the pipeline but the application number will still be counted in the overall volume of applications received. In the 12 months to 31 December 2021, there was a net gain of 1,910 personnel to the UK Regular Forces Trained (RN/RM & RAF) and Trade Trained strength (Army). Greater attention to these risks may become increasingly important as refugee flows from Afghanistan continue. The Army Trained and Trade Trained Strength at 1 January 2022 is higher than at 1 January 2021 by 1.3 per cent and 1.4 per cent respectively. Other includes Outflow from the Trained (RN/RM & RAF) and Trade Trained (Army) strength due to, amongst others, medical reasons, misconduct, compassionate, dismissals and death. Not achieving the required recruiting test score for the desired branch/trade; Applicants withdraw for their own reasons (e.g. The need to deliver against the military tasks as efficiently as possible, maintaining a balanced, affordable defence budget. Figure 14: Applications to the Army split by UK Regular Forces and Volunteer Reserves. The Army Reserve total strength as at 1 January 2022 was 29,430. Telephone: 01494 496822, Email: This weekly recap focuses on U.S.-Russia diplomacy in the context of the Ukraine crisis, the value of citizen science, strengthening the America's blood supply, and more. Corrections which would have a significant impact on the utility of the statistics will be corrected as soon as possible, by reissuing the publication. Bruce R. Orvis is a senior behavioral scientist at the RAND Corporation and member of the Pardee RAND Graduate School faculty. These figures are not comparable with the figures up until 12 months ending 30 September 2017, which define an application as a candidate who has submitted an AF Career Officer Form 4 and sat the Recruit Test, whether this was passed or failed. This population aligns with the old definition of trained personnel, therefore maintaining the continuity of the statistical time series, and will continue to be counted against the workforce requirement. Designation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics: Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of Practice shall continue to be observed. Further information on the growth of the Reserves can be found in the Policy Background section of previous Monthly Service Personnel Statistics publications. Commonwealth Applicants are included in the number of applications. The trained and trade trained strength is higher than at 1 April 2020 by 4.0 per cent and 4.5 per cent respectively. The guidelines are measured over a 36 month period and the limits are: Using 1 April 2020 as an example, the formula for the breach rate is as follows: There is a fall in the percentage breaching harmony this quarter for both Army and RAF. This has remained relatively stable with the intake of 16,340 in the 12 months to 31 March 2020. These figures are not comparable with the figures up until 12 months ending 30 September 2017, as the data is drawn from different databases and have differing definitions of an application. Reporting of the growth of the Reserves will be based on Trained Strength profiles only. Since 1 January 2021, the total strength of the UK Regular Forces, Gurkhas and Other Personnel have all increased, however the strength of the Volunteer Reserves has decreased. The total Trained and Untrained Strength of the Tri-Service Future Reserves 2020 at 1 April 2021 was 37,410, an increase of 400 personnel or 1.1 per cent since 1 April 2020. Email: SDSR 2015 outlines plans to uplift the size of the Regular Armed Forces, setting targets for a strength of 82,000 for the Army, and increasing the Royal Navy/Royal Marines and Royal Air Force by a total of 700 personnel. It excludes those returning to the Phase 2 trained strength from Long Term Absence (LTA). Intake and Outflow statistics report how many people have left or joined the Trained or Untrained Strengths. Jan 18, 2022 Essay The total intake rates for each Service in the 12 months to 1 April 2021 are as follows: The total outflow rates for each Service in the 12 months to 1 April 2021 are as follows: Figure 11: Intake to and Outflow from the FR20 Reserves over rolling 12-month periods. Figure 7 shows that the Army Reserve Trained Strength was 26,940 as at 1 April 2021. The total Trained and Untrained Strength of the Tri-Service Future Reserves 2020 at 1 January 2022 was 36,620, a decrease of 480 personnel or 1.3 per cent since 1 January 2021. This publication is available at UK Regulars are full-time Service personnel, including Nursing Services, excluding FTRS personnel, Gurkhas, mobilised Reservists, Military Provost Guarding Service, Locally Engaged Personnel, and Non-Regular Permanent Service. Recruiting is not helped when 52 percent of parents do not recommend military service to their offspring. Corrections to the published statistics will be made if errors are found, or if figures change as a result of improvements to methodology or changes to definitions. Interview to hire ratio. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Quarterly service personnel statistics: 2021, Full-Time Trained Strength (RN/RM & RAF) and Full-Time Trade Trained Strength (Army) and Workforce Requirement, Full-Time Trained and Trade-Trained Strength (Army), Future Reserves 2020 (FR20) Programme Monitoring,, 2015 Strategic Defence and Security Review,, Ministry of Defence Statistics Revisions and Corrections Policy,, are well explained and readily accessible, are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest. to satisfy the requirements of job seeking). On 29 June 2016, the MOD announced that the Army planned to use Regular and Reserve Phase 1 trained personnel in response to crises within the UK. Email: We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Separated service measures absence from normal place of duty. Other contact points within the Ministry of Defence for Statistics are listed below. Over the same period, applications to the Volunteer Reserves have increased by 13.2%, from 28,471 in the 12 months to 31 December 2019 to 32,232 in the 12 months to 31 December 2020. In order to meet the manpower reduction targets set out in SDSR 2010, the Three Month Exercise (3ME) and Army 2020, a redundancy programme coupled with adjusted recruiting (intake) and contract extensions, were set. Therefore, the Intake figures for Dec 19 are not comparable with the number of applications received in Dec 19 as the numbers apply to different cohorts of people; Applications will not result in Intake if, for example, they are withdrawn by the applicant during the recruitment process, rejected by the Services, or if an offer to join the Services is declined by the applicant. Telephone: 020 7807 8896, Email: This is an increase of 200 personnel (5.2 per cent) since 1 April 2020. The SDSR 2015 Defence Key Facts booklet announced new targets for 2020 for each of the Services. Other indicators include the surplus / deficit within key trades or in specific Ranks. This is higher than the net intake of 890 in the 12 months to 31 March 2020. Figure 5: GTS and Outflow from the UK Trained Regular Forces 12 month ending across the Armed Forces. those who have completed Phase 1 training). Changes in the religious composition of the United States could affect the religious composition of recruits into the U.S. Army. According to military personnel officials at a Senate hearing last week, 2022 is shaping up to be "arguably the most challenging recruiting year" since 1973. Figure 8 shows that as at 1 January 2022 the RAF Reserve Trained Strength was 2,890. In Table 13, small revisions have also been made to April points in years 2012 and 2016-2020 of less than 5 to the amount of civilian personnel. As can be seen from Figure 2 above, Army trained strength (FTTS) and Army trade trained strength (FTTTS) has been increasing since April 2020. Whitehall Figures from 12 months ending 30 June 2019 onwards define an application as an online application submitted by an individual and accepted by Defence Recruitment System (DRS). The time an individual experiences separated service is compared against each Services Individual Harmony guidelines to ensure a balance between duty and leisure for all Service personnel. Well send you a link to a feedback form. A breach of individual harmony guidelines occurs when Service personnel experience separated service for longer than the period outlined in individual harmony guidelines, which are based on the structures and organisation of that Service. A breach of individual harmony guidelines occurs when Service personnel experience separated service for longer than the period outlined in individual harmony guidelines, which are based on the structures and organisation of that Service. If you wish to correspond by mail, our postal address is: Analysis (Tri-Service) This has affected tables 1, 2b, 8a and 8c. In 2022, there were over 148 thousand personnel serving in the British Armed Forces, compared with just 144 thousand serving in 2019. From 2001 to 2011, he directed the Manpower and Training Program in the RAND Army Research Division and was associate director from 1991 to 2000. Other includes outflow from the trained (RN/RM & RAF) and trade trained (Army) strength due to, amongst others, medical reasons, misconduct, compassionate, dismissals and death. The Reserve Forces 2030 (RF30) Review does not include a target for additional personnel numbers beyond those in the Future Reserves 2020 (FR20) programme. In the first . The FTTS (RN/RM), FTTTS (Army) increased by 2.0 per cent, 1.4 per cent and the FTTS (RAF) has remained stable as shown in Table 2. Would you like to be added to our contact list, so that we can inform you about updates to these statistics and consult you if we are thinking of making changes? The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. Applications to the RAF Regular Forces in the 12 months to 31 December 2020 were 39,353, an increase of 23.0% compared to the 12 months to 31 December 2019 (31,992). She has led numerous studies on compensation design in the military and in the federal civil service, on the workforce implications of state and local pension reform, and on. The Q&A with two Marines who work at RAND sheds light on how their military service informs their research and analysis. More on U.S. Armed Forces Lobbying. They are broken down by Service, and by Officers and Other Ranks. So if 100 people apply for a job and you hire 10, your selection ratio is 10:1. 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