And thats for good reason. All rights reserved. We were on a ship that had serious problems, said Turney. Very few people overwinter in Antarctica, and the continent has no indigenous population, so nobody was born there, there are no children around, nobody has much of a history there. Vostok is right in the center of the Antarctic platter, he said, situated somewhat to the East. "I can only imagine what things must be like at Vostok Station this week," he said. On June 17, the team was running low on vital supplies, so Peng walked out of camp, leaving only a note to inform his companions that he was going to go look for water. All Rights Reserved. The scientists also found an underwater glacial landscape with staircase terraces and crevasses that are contributing to the recession of the glacier. But time is running out for the Russian scientists. Weather Data Notice: We have recorded very few readings for this month, some days may be missing. He had some enemies, too elites who were annoyed by his efforts to help empower lower-class Nepalese. Antarctica is often considered the coldest, driest, and iciest place on Earth. A world thats teeming with life. The last communication from the ship was a telegram on September 27, 1912, in which Rusanov said he planned to sail east across the Kara Sea. According to China Daily, in 1980 Peng led an expedition into the Lop Nur desert, a dangerous landscape full of soft riverbeds and shifting sand dunes, which made for treacherous traveling conditions. The freshly created ice blows out to sea, as if on a production line. On land, counts of Adlie penguins revealed the population had slumped near Mawsons huts in Commonwealth Bay in East Antarctica. The scientists hoped to better understand the different climate scenarios that could change the Ross Sea. You see this remarkable transition with the expansion of sea ice. Mutch's body was never recovered. Instead, they found that swarms of tiny amphipods were moving in front of the lens. Fortunately though, from what we learned later, it seems that a lot of work was not harmed, Turney said. At one level I still cant fathom it. Insignia of Antarctic Development Squadron 'Never in a million years' would they have expected it, the lead scientist said. The moisture in your mouth would start to freeze, he said. Market data provided by Factset. Half of the standard passengers aboard the Shokalskiy paid A$18,000 (9,700) to go along as scientific assistants. With no icebreaker able to smash way through, a Chinese helicopter, Xue Ying, or Snow Eagle, rose into the air for the first of five flights to ferry passengers from the stricken ship to the Aurora Australis. Legal Statement. Climate change is expected to be more rapid and severe in polar regions compared to other places on Earth. After more than two decades of drilling in Antarctica, Russian scientists have confirmed that they reached the surface of a gigantic freshwater lake hidden under miles of ice for some 20 million . Stranded far from home, those aboard the Shokalskiy faced danger amidst the spectacular ice. Marianne Guenot November 14, 2022,. There's more to Antarctica than we bargained for. Type above and press Enter to search. Were seeing instead much of the deeper flora and fauna, as they come up from the deeper seabed because theres an ecological niche to be filled, said Turney. The Shokalskiy's Russian crew stayed with their ship, where they waited until they managed to free the ship today. Published Jul 16, 2008. He claims that a collaboration between humans and aliens exist, and that the Antarctica is a major research ground for these incredible collaborations. Three scientists were riding a Muskeg tractor across the tundra in 1965 when the vehicle plunged into a crevasse, killing everyone on board. The Beardmore Glacier in Antarctica, one of the largest valley glaciers in the world. On Dec. 20, the expedition reached the hut left by Mawson 100 years ago. Antarctic Insider. Press Esc to cancel. The scientists may have encountered a technical issue, he speculated, or perhaps theyve simply packed up and are travelling home -- keeping their discoveries to themselves. Six (VXE-6). We had never met until Thursday evening, June 2, 2016, at the Contact In The Desert conference in Joshua Tree, California. On Dec. 26, Turney reported that the Shokalskiy had become trapped in Commonwealth Bay by a field of heavy sea ice about 3 meters thick, which a strong southeasterly wind had driven into the bay. The team from Russia's Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) have been drilling for weeks in an effort to reach isolated Lake Vostok, a vast, dark body of water hidden 13,000 ft. below. A group of scientists discovered ancient viruses frozen in two ice samples taken from the Tibetan Plateau in China, and most of them are unlike anything ever seen before. "We just wanted to let all our family and friends know there is no risk to the vessel and everyone is well," he wrote on the expedition's website. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Despite all its technology and the tenacity of participants, the weeks-long search turned up nothing, soGray's wife hired an underwater search teamto scan the ocean floor. Live Science features groundbreaking developments in science, space, technology, health, the environment, our culture and history. Lake Vostok hasnt been exposed to air in more than 20 million years. New Zealand cardiologist J.C.P. And other expeditions find bodies in Lop Nur all the time though to date none of them have turned out to be Peng. Air temperatures have been higher than usual in parts of the Antarctic, around 1.5 degrees Celsius above the long term average. He was in Madrid, so there's a possibility he might have defected, which would explain why he was never heard from again. In Antarctica sea ice is extending, for reasons that are unclear, but possibly through the actions of stronger winds churning out more and more sea ice. Turney and his team are especially interested in learning whether the East Antarctic Ice Sheet is stable or in danger of melting, studying shifts in the circulation of the Southern Ocean, and noting changes in populations of marine mammals, birds, and plant life. (.css-3wjtm9{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-decoration-color:#1c6a65;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-3wjtm9:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}The Russian ship they were aboard was freed by better weather this morning.). From an Australian perspective, many projects were cancelled or abbreviated because of re-direction of shipping, a problem when shipping is such a limiting factor, said Pat Quilty, former chief scientist at the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition, and a researcher at the University of Tasmania. Prior to the discovery of the ozone hole, the ozone layer over Antarctica had been monitored from ground-based and balloon-borne instruments for many decades, and by satellites since 1970. The Russian Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute did not respond to requests for information on the status of the team, information that did not surprise Priscu. And sometimes those people had to venture into places where few people have gone before, places so remote that when the unthinkable did happen, the rest of the world was left with an unsolvable mystery. A defecting Russian scientist has surfaced with a mind-bending account of what REALLY occurred when he and his colleagues went missing for five days in a mysterious lake 12,366 feet beneath the Antarctic ice. They need to be out by the 6th of February, Pearce said, when winter sets in and temperatures drop another 40 degrees centigrade. DEEP WOO: DID MUSKS OPEN A.I. The moisture in your mouth would start to freeze, he said. Its not just physically challenging, its psychologically challenging, Pearce said. We could have probably driven back to New Zealand." Nobody lives in Antarctica permanently. No one could believe he'd just vanished without a trace somewhere out there was a body, or maybe even a live man who'd decided to abandon everything he knew so he could live in the jungle and make friends with mosquitos. 03:28. Researchers found the speed of melting is being slowed down by a layer of colder and fresher water at the glaciers base. Russian scientists announced today that they have reached Antarctica's Lake Vostok, an ancient, liquid lake the size of Lake Ontario buried beneath more than 2 miles (3 kilometers) of ice for. "An Antarctic research station is like a remote mining town, but because it's nobody's permanent . Several positive feedback mechanisms exist, particularly for the Arctic, that can amplify the impacts of anthropogenic global warming. "We're not sure if we're going to get back in on the return journey north, so we'll just have to play that one by ear at the moment.". The ship itself was never found, and neither was the crew. Dr Louise Emmerson - seabird ecologist. The numbers of skuas seemed to have fallen too. We may earn commission if you buy from a link. He couldn't come down without the crampon, so one of his two companions went to find a spare and when he returned, Mutch was gone. More data is being crunched by the Shokalskiy team. Youre away from your family and friends, and theres pressure to deliver the science youve promised. This theory says Alexandrov was kidnapped by the KGB because he was planning to tell the world the nuclear winter theory was actually bunk. On February 19, 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd left Base Camp Arctic and flew northward. Explore Antarctica. We all went to a local Mexican restaurant and after dinner, we kept talking until after midnight outside in the restaurant parking lot under trees. LOS ANGELES, April 15 (UPI) -- Electronic dance music artist Calvin Harris is Taylor Swift's newest romantic interest, but Harris, 31, reportedly doesn't want a song written about him. In 2019, a team of 13 US and British scientists from the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration traveled to the glacier for about six weeks and used mooring data, sensors and an. At any rate, one such disappearance was the case of Boris Weisfeiler, a mathematician who decided one day that Pennsylvania winters were just too danged warm so he was going to go hiking in the mountains of southern Chile. The expedition needed a new rescue plan. The actual well head itself would be enclosed by a tent, he said, and scientists would sleep in tents as well. I can only imagine what things must be like at Vostok Station this week, he said. The Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) set sail from the port of Bluff, on New Zealand's southern island, on Nov. 27, aboard the M.S. They need to be out by the 6th of February, Pearce said, when winter sets in and temperatures drop another 40 degrees centigrade. They are running out of time to complete the drilling this year, Pearce said. I dont think theres anything sinister or ominous, Pearce said. The Russian scientists have been communicating with Pearce and colleagues at a third Antarctic expedition -- a study of the subglacial Whillans Ice Stream mainly featuring U.S. scientists. At the time, he sounded optimistic about the expedition's prospects. Later at a camp near Marie Byrd Land, some dozen scientists disappeared for two weeks. We don't actually know for sure what happened to him, though, as he went off into the wilderness by himself with no witnesses and no one to come back and tell his friends and family about his unfortunate fate. VILNIUS, Lithuania, March 20 (UPI) -- Military conscription returns to Lithuania amid Eastern Europe's military tension. The glacier is still in trouble despite small amounts of melting there is still rapid glacier retreat, so it seems that it doesnt take a lot to push the glacier out of balance.. Technically, this dude is dead. Two days later, the rescue effort entered a new phase. AmundsenScott South Pole Station. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. Using observations from a hot-water-drilled access hole, the Icefin was able swim up to these really dynamic places and take data from the sea floor all the way to the ice, Schmidt told CNN. Before his disappearance, Mutch was the Associate Administrator for Space Science at NASA and the author of two books on the geology of the Moon and Mars. NEW YORK, March 26 (UPI) -- Emilia Clarke does not regret turning down the lead role in the movie adaptation of the erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey. Five years later, Gray's wife had him declared "missing but presumed dead," which at least must have given her a small sense of closure. "Initially, when they got off, I think it was kind of an awareness of what they'd been through But, morale has still been very, very good as far as I can tell.". It's no wonder the continent is entrenched in so many legends - from the entrance to fabled "Shangri La" located in the earth's interior to the . The most common way for a scientist to vanish appears to be in the line of duty, which is actually pretty fitting and not so terrible, especially from a poetic perspective. Image courtesy Brian. Your nostrils would start to freeze. For Russian geologist Vladimir Rusanov, it was Northern Sea Route fever. In summertime fierce katabatic winds blow off the continent and chill the surrounding surface water to freezing point. Media interest in the expedition faded after the rescue, but in the year since Turney and his team have been busy. Of course not all missing scientists vanished in the line of duty some of them vanished on their days off and some of them probably vanished on purpose. Passengers and scientists stomp an area of ice next to the Akademik Shokalskiy for a makeshift helicopter landing pad in readiness for evacuation from the trapped ship in Antarctica. . The financial support from the National Science Foundation, which extends back to the time of the International Geophysical Year (IGY) in 1956-57, If you left your eyes open the fluid in them would start to freeze. Still, the absence of information after nearly a week has the worlds scientists worried and wondering. A 66-million-year-old fossil found in Antarctica almost ten years ago was recently found to be one of the biggest eggs ever recorded, scientists say. The research has important implications for climate . Today we call this genetic disorder Williams syndrome, after the doctor who identified it and then disappeared less than 10 years later. Sometimes scientists disappear for non-conspiratorial reasons. 2. In 2019, a team of 13 US and British scientists from the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration traveled to the glacier for about six weeks and used mooring data, sensors and an underwater robot vehicle known as Icefin to monitor the glacier. Also, some mountains look a bit pyramid like from some directions. What we have found is that despite small amounts of melting there is still rapid glacier retreat, so it seems that it doesnt take a lot to push the glacier out of balance.. Pearce heads a team from theBritishAntarcticSurveyon a competing mission, set to plumb the depths of Lake Ellsworth, one of a string of more than 370 lakes beneath Antarctica that may soon see light for the first time since well before Fred Flintstones ancestors roamed the planet. But Peng had completely vanished. Repeatedly the crew was sternly told that they did NOT see what they kept seeing. We organized to meet with his nephew, Kelly, and a friend to talk more about Brians Antarctica experiences. But Brian was never asked to sign an official non-disclosure agreement. When they re-appeared, Brian's flight crew was assigned to pick them up, and all were silent and appeared scared. Christian Haas, head of the Sea Ice Physics Research Section at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany, told CNN. The team from Russia's Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) have been drilling for weeks in an effort to reach isolated Lake Vostok, a vast, dark body of water hidden 13,000 ft. below the surface of the icy continent. But Williams seems to have voluntarily disappeared, and it was probably because of a spurned marriage proposal. According to Russian Arctic Seas: Navigational Conditions and Accidents, after a successful expedition into Svalbard in 1912, Rusanov and 11 of his crew decided to sail to the Pacific Ocean via the Northern Sea Route, which was by all accounts kind of a stupid idea. Particle Accelerator Reveals Beginning of Time, The Russian ship they were aboard was freed by better weather this morning, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. He witnessed a number of anomalies pointing to hidden facilities or bases located deep under the Antarctic ice sheets. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. So the mystery is still unsolved, and the only thing we know for sure is it's probably a bad idea to go hiking alone in the foothills of southern Chile. As the story went global, the venture came in for plenty of criticism. And rather than feeling discouraged about expeditions that are funded by paying passengers, Turney is more enthusiastic than ever. The scientists in Antarctica discovered radio pulses that indicated high-energy neutrinos coming upward out of the ground, which led to various different explanations, including that the pulses. The Snow Cruiser, built in just 11 weeks the summer of 1939 at a cost of $150,000, was to be the ultimate mobile Antarctic base. The icebound crew of the Akademik Shokalskiy made headlines but, a year on, the fruits of their expedition are revealed. Once we got back home and made sure everyone was all right, we got on with working up the data and getting a whole load of papers ready for submission, Turney said. The whistleblower has alleged there is an alien base in the Antarctic. The researchers say that having such a hidden world beneath the arctic ice is clear evidence of an ecosystem at play. Advertisement 2 Story continues below Scientists from Project MIDAS had been monitoring a break in the Larsen C ice shelf - the fourth-largest in Antarctica - following the collapse of the Larsen A ice shelf in 1995 and had. Josh Hawkins has been writing for over a decade, covering science, gaming, and tech culture. Trawls of water reeled in hauls of plastic rubbish, now seemingly ubiquitous in the worlds oceans. It was all looking fine first of all, and then all of a sudden it changed really quickly, and we were trapped.". People who try to climb Mount Everest sometimes die from "summit fever," which is a sort of psychosis. THE CONTENT ON THIS SITE IS PROVIDED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Interest in the expedition faded after the rescue effort entered a New phase i only... Vostok Station this week, '' which is a sort of psychosis science features groundbreaking developments science! Talk more about Brians Antarctica experiences less than 10 scientists missing for a week in antarctica 1995 later the Antarctic platter, said... Nuclear winter theory was actually bunk josh Hawkins has been writing for over decade! Mount Everest sometimes die from `` summit fever, '' which is sort! Headlines but, a year on, the fruits of their expedition are revealed but, a year,... 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